YVERDON-LES-BAINS, Switzerland, 8th of November, 2023 – Leclanché will provide new batteries for Kongsberg Maritime ocean vessels. Kongsberg Maritime, a world leader in marine technology, will partner with Leclanché SA (SIX: LECN) on its offshore wind farm construction vessel. In a highly competitive process Leclanché was selected to provide a 5.2 MWh battery system for the newest Cadeler A/S F-class, jack-up vessel.
The state-of-the-art F-class vessel (picture available here) is being constructed in Qidong, China, by COSCO Heavy Industries and will sail under the Danish flag. The unnamed vessel will serve the offshore wind industry and will be fitted with a Leclanché third-generation, liquid-cooled Navius MRS-3TM onboard battery storage system. The battery system will be used for both spinning reserve and power regeneration during jacking and crane lifting operations. These operations require high charge and discharge rates for which the Leclanché energy storage solution is ideally suited. The MRS-3 battery system allows for the vessel to operate safely while in dynamic positioning (the most delicate sequence of operations), by ensuring the spinning reserve. It offers a back-up, un-interrupted power source needed to keep the vessel at a safe distance from the turbines or offshore rigs.
The vessel features a deck space of over 5,600 square metres, a payload capacity of 17,600 tons, as well as a heavy-duty construction crane and is capable of transporting and installing up to seven 15 MW turbine sets or up to six sets of 2XL monopile foundations. The MRS-3 enables the installation of more wind turbines by reducing the down time of the vessel. It offers more efficient operations, as the energy used during turbine installation is partially recharged into the battery by recovering the braking energy during jack-down.
“Our Navius MRS-3 system is the most reliable and safest battery storage system on the market, and we are delighted that our systems continue to be recognised as market leading as demonstrated by our successful bid to provide a 5.2 MWh battery system to Kongsberg Maritime,” said Guillaume Clément, vice president, eMarine, Leclanché. “We’re proud that our environmentally beneficial technology will be employed to build a project that will deliver sustainable energy for consumers around the world.”
“Kongsberg has partnered with Leclanché on more than 10 maritime installations, and we’ve come to know and appreciate its technology,” said Stian Ramm Manger, Technical Product Manager, Energy Storage, Kongsberg Maritime AS. “Leclanché’s liquid-cooled batteries perform exceptionally well when supporting high charge and discharge applications, such as those required for the Cadeler jack-up wind turbine installation vessel. The system will also help the ship owner to maximise its emission reductions while experiencing the highest levels of safety.”
Leclanché will deliver the Navius MRS-3 system to the Qidong, China, construction shipyard in 2025. The lithium-ion based system features liquid-cooling to increase the lifespan as well as an advanced battery active system (BASS). The battery energy storage system uses a highly redundant structure with a total of 46 battery strings – it is dimensioned to be able to perform critical operations in the event of an emergency.
Leclanché manufactures its own lithium-ion battery cells, packs, modules and casings to rigorous German and Swiss standards in its own automated manufacturing assembly lines in Willstätt, Germany, and Yverdon, Switzerland. Its batteries have demonstrated improved safety features, faster charging, longer cycle life, smaller footprint and lower energy consumption than competitive solutions.
Navius MRS-3 is a trademark of Leclanché. All other tradenames are the property of their respective owners.
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About Leclanché
Leclanché is a world leading provider of low-carbon footprint energy storage solutions based on lithium-ion cell technology. Established in 1909 in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, Leclanché’s history and heritage is rooted in battery and energy storage innovation. The company’s Swiss culture for precision and quality, together with its production facilities in Germany, make Leclanché the partner of choice for companies seeking the very best in battery performance and who are pioneering positive changes in how energy is produced, distributed and consumed around the world. Leclanché is organised into three business units: energy storage solutions, e-Mobility solutions and specialty battery systems. The company currently employs over 350 people with representative offices in eight countries around the world. Leclanché is listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange (SIX: LECN).
About Cadeler A/S:
Cadeler A/S is a key supplier within the offshore wind industry for installation services and marine and engineering operations with a strong focus on safety and the environment. Cadeler’s experience as provider of high-quality offshore wind support services, combined with innovative vessel designs, positions the company to deliver premium services to the industry. Cadeler facilitates the global energy transition towards a future built on renewable energy. Cadeler is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker CADLR).
Visit www.cadeler.com for more information.
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Media contacts:
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Switzerland / Europe:
Thierry Meyer
T: +41 (0) 79 785 35 81
E-mail: tme@dynamicsgroup.ch
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T: +49 (0) 711 947 670
E-mail: leclanche@sympra.de
Investor Contact:
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T: +41 (0) 24 424 65 00
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